Vitamin K Is Not Enough To Get Rid Of Under-Eye Dark Circles: PanDerma Eye Cream

Vitamin K  Is Not Enough :
PanDerma Under-Eye Cream 

Almost everyone of us have had problem of under-eye dark circles.  It is not just simple skin color changing because you did not sleep or eat well. Dark circles have  same nature as bruises and they form because the blood vessel got traumatized. After the blood vessel got broken, the blood starts leaking out, causing dark circles and bruises to appear. More then, the skin under eyes is very thin, this makes any damages under the skin to look more significant. 

Vitamin K is one of the most famous ingredients for dark-circles improving. It is produced in  the body naturally and we need it for activating such processes, as preventing blood clots and strengthening blood vessels. If the level of Vitamin K in the body is insufficient, blood vessels become more vulnerable to damaging and dark circles might form under eyes. And it also might explain why we sometimes get unknown bruises on the body. 
PanDerma Dr Blanc
Vitamin K is really helpful, however, modern cosmetics do not rely only on Vitamin K as they did before. Korean plastic surgeons say, in order to get rid of dark circles, the eye cream should be able to treat dark circles from inside - out. PanDerma under-eye cream is a South Korean professional skin care product developed by Korean dermatologists and plastic surgeons for resolving under-eye problems. PanDerma cream includes Vitamin K, Bromelin, HIbiscus, Arnica Montana and other effective ingredients for strengthening blood vessels and improving bruises and dark circles. Due to PanDerma`s functions, it can 
be applied on face and body both.   

PanDerma cream for under-eye dark cirlces - panda eyes bye bye :)  


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