"FetoScell" :


Korea is a country with four seasons and each season the skin and hair are affected by different weather. On the summer - because of sun rays, on the winter - because of cold and dryness, on the autumn - because of temperature change and on the spring - because of lack of vitamins and nutrition. So Korean dermatologists pay big efforts to create something what can keep skin and hair beauty, youth and health. So nowadays the most easy and effective way to boost skin condition is injection, also known as skin booster. There are many well-known skin boosters for skin and hair treatment, however, if you are looking for latest one, then it is definitely the skin booster with stem cells and exosomes - "FetoScell". 


"FetoScell" injection (EXOSOME) is recommended for people with the following skin and hair problems: 

  • Dull skin tone
  • Reduced elasticity
  • Damaged skin (damaged by external factors or too harsh laser treatments)
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Loss of vitality
  • When the skin starts to loss its volume 
  • The skin with decreased collagen and elastin 
  • Hair loss, slow hair growth 

Basing on patients review, due to special formula of "Fetoscell", already after the first shot the skin improvements can be seen.  

In order to resolve different skin concerns and hair concerns, 3 different formulas of "FetoScell" injection were created: 

  • Regeneration "FetoScell"
  • Collagen "FetoScell"
  • Follicle "FetoScell"

All three injections include stem cells and exosomes, however, as each booster targets different problems,  the ingredient formula is different.

and recovery
Regeneration "FetoScell" mainly includes stem cells and exosomes, NK cells, hyaluronic acid and PDRN (growth factor)

This formula makes "FetoScell" to have excellent regenerating and healing abilities, as well as hydrating.

Stem cells, exosomes are essential for our body to build new tissue, and often being used in regenerating medicine. So, by injecting stem cell-based booster to the skin, the patient can expect excellent therapeutic effect for damaged tissue, for example, after lasers, sunbathing or harsh medications.

Regenerating "FetoScell" is also suitable for acne-prone skin due to its` effective restoring and regenerating abilities. Also the contention of NK cells (natural killer cell) makes this booster to be one of the best anti-inflammatory treatment.   

PDRN and hyaluronic acid in couple will hydrate the skin and balance oil and water levels. heal the wounds and stimulate skins reconstruction

Collagen boosting

Collagen "FetoScell"  mainly includes stem cells and exosomes, NK cells, hydrolyzed collagen and hyaluronic acid.

This formula mainly helps the skin which is lack of collagen and elastin and getting all signs of aging. 

Collagen is a protein, that naturally exists in our body and our skin is made up of it. And when the body starts producing less collagen, aging process begins, so we can see some wrinkles, sagging and loss of volumeness. This time the skin especially needs attention and effective care. The way to improve the skin condition this time is to boost collagen levels. 

Collagen "FetoScell" includes hydrolyzed collagen, which is a kind of collagen that is broken down into smaller particles. So for the skin it is  easier to absorb and process it due its smaller size. Hydrolyzed collagen effectively imroves wrinkles appearance,  boosts hydration, increases elasticity and even treats acnes. So generally we can say, that hydrolyzed collagen benefits the skin by reducing markers of aging and healing breakouts.   


Follicle "FetoScell"  includes stem cells and exosomes, as well as NK cells, protein and hyaluronic acid.

Hair growth and
hair loss prevention

In this day and age hair loss is a quite common problem for men and women. Hair loss can be caused by many factors, such as stress, diets and aging. However, not everybody knows, that hair loss problem can be improved with stem cell-based injection. Stem cells help to regenerate and reactivate hair follicle, so that the hair growth longer and fall out less. 

Protein  is very important for hair growth and hair loss prevention too, since hair follicles  are maid of protein mostly, and if the body is lack of it, the hair loss problem occurs. Protein, as well as stem cells, can prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth, restore damaged hair and ensure hair fullness.  For this reason, shampoo with proteins are booming now in South Korea. However, of course, direct injecting into the sculp is the most effective way to improve hair condition. Follicle "FetoScell" injection also matches well with PRP procedure. So the therapeutic effect can be doubled if to do "FetoScell" and PRP procedures together at the same time. 



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